Monday, 29 April 2013

Producing Too Much

Living on a semi rural property is new to me and so is taking care of fruit and nut trees. We certainly have inherited  a lot. Lemon, lime mandarin, orange, avocado, macadmias and pecans.

I don't really know how to take care of them. They are producing an awful lot and I cannot possibly use it all. I feel sorry for the lemon tree who is overburdened with fruit.

So I am reading all that I can about tree care. I even subscribed to Gardening Australia magazine. I need to know when to prune, and fertilise and how to stop the discolouration of the skins.

My mum and dad spent last week at our property, looking after our chickens, whilst we went on holidays. I was able to send them home with ample produce to thank them.

And so did the hens.

Bumble Foot Update

Poor Washington has had a terrible time of it. My parents took her to the vet three times to have her foot rebandaged. The right foot was much worse and the dressing only came off last Friday. Only 12 hours later it had swollen up considerably. There is a nasty bruise underneath as well. I did some looking through Backyard Chickens Forums and found that bathing the foot in a warm Epsom Salt bath will help. So I started that yesterday.

So today I went back to the vet with my concerns. They prescribed some oral antibiotics in the hope that the swelling will reduce in the next 48 hours. If not she will have to go back for further surgery. I really hope it won't come to that.

And speaking of rescue today I had to rescue a medium sized water dragon who was stuck in the chicken wire - twice!

The chickens were a bit frightened of his open mouthed defiance!

Armed with wire cutters and a hand towel I was not intimidated.

Linking up with Scottish Fiona for the New To Me April linky party.


  1. Gosh Fiona, this move is turning into a great adventure. You will be pickling and bottling for weeks to come by the sound of it :)

    Thanks for linking up to New to Me in 2013.

  2. You are very brave tackling that water dragon - he looks fierce!

  3. some days I am not sure if you live on a mini farm or in the middle of a reptile exhibit. You are a brave girl!!

  4. Blimey - you are having an exciting life!! I love reading about all these adventures!

  5. I love your "farm" updates! I spent a few years as a child on a hobby farm.....but it was animals not trees we had!


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