You may remember on 'to do first' this month I declared it to be Zakka September owing to all the projects that I needed to finish for the Zakka Style Sew Along. I completed 5 out of the 7 that I planned to do. You can find my review of the SAL here.
1. Zakka Style Pleated Coin Purse - 10/9
2. ZS Little Pocket Pillow Case - 22/9
3. ZS Nesting Boxes - 22/9
4. ZS Happy Garland Messenger Board - 6/9
5. ZS Patchwork Ribbon - 16/9
6. QCA Bee - Lone Star block - 16/9
7. 'Say Cheese' Polaroid block swap - 9/9
8. Wombat Stew - Shoji Screen Block - 11/9
9. Katie Jump Kites - quilt back - 15/9
Things that went by the wayside this month...
ZS Sweet Memories Photo Frame - I am keen to make this project but I am not sure how I will go about either constructing the frame or buying one pre-made from IKEA.
ZS Water Bottle Holder - I would not have much use for this item and so I will probably not make it at all.
Craftsy BOM for June, August and September - I am not sure if I will ever have the motivation to do these blocks in October either. I have really lost interest in this BoM.
Sherbert Dreams Quilt - arrrrrgh! I am dying to start this but I have ONE UFO quilt top to make a back for and then TWO quilts to baste and quilt. And I vow not to start another top until I finish ONE of these TWO - Katie Jump Kites OR Mystery Quilt (to give as a Xmas gift).
So what shall I do? See you for tomorrow's 'To Do First' post for October.
I am linking up with....