Thursday, 31 May 2012

Merry Month of May

May Finishes

This month has seen me:
  • learn the art of handquilting. Makes for a lovely finish.
  • cut into my stash of Katie Jump Rope - twice.
  • continue to enjoy the projects in the Zakka Sew-Along. And make some new blog friends through it.
  • almost finish my second ever bag.
  • fall in love with linen.
  • finally finish the 'Fussy Fairytales' Quilt.
  • Give the QCA Bee#1 Scrappy Log Cabin quilt to a deserved mum.
  • Start hosting my own linky called 'Sunday Stash' where folks can exhibit their latest stash additions.
  • Learn how to make my own 'button'.
  • Hit 100 followers - and have a small give-away to say thank you.
Viewing - 'Titanic - the mini-series', 'Downton Abbey Series 2, Game of Thrones Season 1, The Voice Australia and Silent Witness.

Reading - The Third Reich Day by Day- Christopher Ailsby, Revolutionary Parenting - George Barna and The Hungry Ocean - Linda Greenlaw.
1. 'Fussy Fairytales' - finished 30/5    2. 'Fussy Fairytales' - back    3. 'FF' block and hand-quilting detail 
4. 'FF' - binding detail    5. 'FF' hand-quilting detail    6. 'FF' hand-quilting detail
7. Zakka Style Sew- Along - Raincloud Mug Rug - finished 14/5  8. ZSSA - RMR hand-stitching detail   9. ZSSA - RMR back
10. ZSSA  Itty Bitty Magnets in charcoal - finished 8/5  11. ZSSA - IBM in natural - finished   12. Katie Jump Kites - 56 blocks sewn 30/5
13. KJK block detail   14. ZSSA Patchwork Pencil Case (back)  - finished 1/5   15. KJK PPC front detail
16. Scrappy Log Cabin - binding 4/5  17. SLC - finished 4/5    18. SLC (back)

19. Craftsy May BOM - finished 4/5   20. QCA Bee#1 Disappearing 9 Patch 4/5  21. Five long-sleeved t-shirts - 22/5

So how did you go in May? Are you also linking up with...

Lily's Quilts


  1. Not nearly as well as you! Fussy Fairytales is a great finish!

  2. You have accomplished a lot! Good work.

  3. You've finished some great projects, Fiona! I agree on the linen too, I'm really loving working with it :)

  4. Good job! I like this recap idea. I haven't done much besides Zakka Sew Along.

  5. Wow you've been really busy! Such great looking projects.
    I'll have to make my mosaic tomorrow =D

  6. Oh well done on finishing the Fussy Fairytales! It's just stunning! What a great and busy month!

  7. Gorgeous mosaic! That Fairytale quilt is just stunning :)

  8. I love your mosaic, especially the Fairy Tales quilt! Gorgeous!!

  9. Your mosaics are wonderful (I love the rain cloud embroidery) and I think I may pinch your 'This month has seen me' idea...I love it!

  10. Just lovely work!! Thanks for sharing:):) hugs

  11. Fiona, your work is so beautiful...especially when I see it all together like that. I love your use of color. Great work!!

  12. So many lovely things Fiona - the fairytales quilt is really beautiful!

  13. So many finishes in one month...thats at least 6 months worth for me!

  14. Wow that is a lot to get done! Very beautiful though. What did you think of the linen?


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