Thursday 26 April 2012

Five Blogs that Inspire Me

Image source - the joy of sceptisim 
Friggin' heck I am such a sceptic. Not about climate change...but I didn't look at the Kony dvd that went viral last month, I throw out unsolicited mail unopened, I delete forwarded group emails that folks send me and hang up when I hear that pause on the phone line and I just 'know' it is going to be a telemarketing company wanting money from me as I try and feed 3 kids at 6pm!!! 

So when I 'won' the 'Leibster Blog' award from The Orange Kitty Workshop last month, my sensors went into overdrive. It has nothing to do with Natalie, author of TOKW, in fact she said some lovely things about my blog. I just needed to know what it was all about. This week I received 2 Leibsters in the same day from Karen's Sewing Room and Amy's Crafty Shenanigans. So that was a kind of confirmation from the 'blogosphere' to acknowledge and do something about it.

I did some surfing and it seems that NO ONE knows when or where this award started. But I read a few other blogs and it seems there is a general consensus that, rather than being a sinister ploy, it is more like a nice 'Pay it Forward' award, that small blogs can give to eachother. I am all for that kind of encouragement.

So if you don't mind receiving compliments, and can put your scepticism aside for a wee moment, this is an explanation that I did find.

The 'Liebster Award' takes its name from the German word meaning ‘Beloved, Dearest or Favorite’. This award is given to small blogs that inspire you.

Accepting the award then requires you to:

1. Thank the person who gave you the award.
2. Link back to their blog.
3. Copy and paste the Liebster award to your profile.
4. Pick 5 blogs that you feel deserve to be in the spotlight (they should have under 200 followers).

5. Blog about it and let the bloggers know why you chose them.

So here are my 5 choices...(wish I could give more)

Quiet Play - ensuring that I laugh about the parenting and quilting journey.
Goody Goody Gumdrops - keeping me ahead with the latest fabrics.
Suburban Adventures in Noumea - giving us a slice of paradise and culture.
Not Ever Sewing - new to sewing but not to witty blogging. See The Not Ever Still Life.
Fabric Mutt - someone else excited about discovering joy in sewing.

No pressure for these lovely bloggers to accept this award, but at the very least, let them know that I appreciate their writings.

Lovely Swapsies
Kristy and Jane
I haven't had a chance to share the two lovely and practical gifts that I received from fellow Quilt Club Australia buddies, Jane and Kristy, on the weekend. We caught up for dinner after the Saturday Mystery Quilt class.

Pin Cushion and Thread Catcher
This was a practical and clever gift from Jane. It now sits proudly on my sewing desk and is in high usage.

Needle Book
I may just have to learn to do embroidery or some other stitch work, so that I can trot out this gorgeous needle book often. It was foundation-paper pieced by Kristy in an adorable birdie print with a tea cup (she knows my penchant for tea sets) pattern. I love it, love it, love it. Oh and Kristy's gift to Jane was equally as pretty - with gorgeous quilting in 'Good Fortune' fabrics and selvedges. Go and check it out here.
Selvedge Zip Pouches

I made both girls a zip pouch out of selvedges. I have written a tutorial if you are interested in making your own version. It's my first 'sewing tutorial' so, if you use it, please let me know how you find it. You can find it here.

New Browns for Old Brown

When my husband and I were dating over 11 years ago, he was given a 'new' brown couch for his flat. I say 'new'  because it was passed on from family friends and it was in good condition. That brown couch has seen us through dating, engagement, marriage, countless Bible studies, 3 babies (2 of whom had had non-painful reflux), and 3 jumping toddlers.
old brown in cubby mode earlier this month

But lately 'old brown' has had a hard time of it. A few too many cubbies, accidental urine treatments and many many many biscuit crumbs and Lego pieces, have pushed him too far. The arm rips we could live with but now the cushions are ripping apart. Sadly 'old brown' has been outlived by our family.

Earlier this year I started using one of our linked accounts and set up an Emergency Fund. Now a new couch is not an emergency per se, however, the price was too good. I bought 2 new brown faux seude lounges for $400. They were delivered on Tuesday afternoon. I also bought a nice brown floor rug last week to ward off the winter chill on the tiles.
It took me a while to work out how to arrange the room with two couches, but then it finally took shape and looked great. The room was neat and tidy.

And then the kids came home and built cubbies again. Oh well!


  1. Arrrr....sorry about the weird white backgrounding in this post.

  2. You are a doll! What a lovely thing to wake up to your comment in my inbox this morning notifying me. I'll pass it forward in my next post.
    Meanwhile, I LOVE that needle book. That's one of my favorite fabric designers. Do you read his blog? I think he's brilliant:

  3. Fiona, thanks so much for the award. I'm so glad you enjoy looking at the fabrics I can't resist. I'll be posting about it soon.

    Your needle book looks wonderful. Funny thing, I had just been thinking I might need to make one of these, though I've never felt the need before, and then I see you've done one!


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